This homeowner recently downsized to a smaller home in a rural setting. As a retiree, and with living costs escalating, he wanted a cost effective form of heating for his new home.
Having researched the internet for the best solutions, he contacted ATC for further information on the new iLifestyle Thermal Electric Radiators.
The iLifestyle’s smart technology uses less energy and saves the user money. They are easy to program on the radiator itself as well as via the free app.
With a long-life warranty, this homeowner never has to worry about his heating!
The new iLifestyle was the perfect solution for this homeowner. He was delighted with how quick they were delivered and how easy they were to install. Multiple ways of programming the radiators make them so simple to use, no matter how tech-savvy you are. He confirmed that the heat retention from the iLifestyle makes the house so much more comfortable.